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The Media Causes Adolescent Drug Addiction

Writer's picture: Kennedi DrakeKennedi Drake

Generation X is highly invested with online platforms such as social media and television networks which influences the youth in the most disturbing ways possible. The media influences young people to try drugs through, alcohol promotion and social media. Media also attracts the youth by mixing harsh drugs with kid like elements such as candy or soda. All these factors leave horrible impressions.

Adolescent attraction takes place in the creation of lean. Lean is a beverage that contains codeine, antihistamine promethazine, and sometimes alcohol. Not only are there drugs in lean, but people also mix it with soda, cough syrup, and a jolly rancher. Children and adolescents will be immediately tempted to try this substance if they have the option to mix it with their favorite soda and candy flavor. Kid like elements mixed with drugs demolish a child's interpretation of what is right and wrong.

Social media attracts young people to drugs, and it’s excruciatingly hard for them to ignore it. For instance, it is a trend to see videos online of people doing different vape tricks where they create shapes such as triangles, circle patterns, and hearts. This draws in adolescents to think that vape tricks are cool, trendy and a fun activity. According to the article, “Risk Factors for E-Cigarette Behavior”, there are vaping conventions that include vape tricks as competitions and these contests convince viewers to go to extreme levels such as doing a deeper inhalation which is even more harmful to the body (Pepper 602). The kid-like element of being able to create different shapes influences the youth that they will not be in any harm. Most people believe that vaping is less harmful than cigarettes' but vaping also alters brain development. People who vape are more likely to switch to new devices to improve their vape trick abilities and maintain their winner status. If someone is online tweeting about how enjoyable their life is while high, another person is likely to be curious to experience the same feeling. People also often promote their dealing business on Snapchat which persuades others to buy drugs or even join the money-making process of selling drugs.

Promotion of alcohol in stores or on television influences adolescents to begin drinking before the age of 21 because the commercials are appealing and include things that interest them. When young people see clothing or personal accessories promoting an alcohol brand on television, they believe that underage drinking isn't harmful but common. Including things that go against what society deems correct attracts teens, because they usually have the desire to not follow their parents' rules but instead make their own rules like adults on television.

Kid like elements such as making cool circles with electronic cigarettes, vape flavors, alcohol promotion, and mixing drugs with soda or candy attract adolescents. Society glorifies drug use which influences the youth to misuse harsh drugs for what they think will be pleasurable but increases premature death. It is important for everyone to be aware of this ongoing issue so people can think twice about when they allow their children to be on social media and observe what is on television at home.

Works Cited

Pepper, Jessica K., et al. “Risk Factors for Youth e-Cigarette ‘Vape Trick’ Behavior.” Journal of Adolescent Health, vol. 61, no. 5, 2017, pp. 599–605., Risk Factors for Youth E-Cigarette “Vape Trick” Behavior - ScienceDirect

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